Legal information
Company or corporate name: CODEXIM SAS
Address of registered office: 16 rue du Zéphir, Parc de l'Océane, 91140 Villejust - France
Telephone number: +33 (0)1 60 13 56 56
Contact : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Trade and Companies Register No.: R.C. Evry - B 323268409
SIREN : 323 268 409 00022
Share capital: €200,000
Copyright – Reproduction rights
All content on this site is protected by French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved. Copying all or part of the site, in any format or for any purpose, is strictly prohibited, unless express authorisation is granted by the publication's director. All trademarks and products referenced are the property of their respective owners. All prices mentioned are recommended retail prices and are liable to change without notice.
External links
This site provides links to other sites. These sites may also collect data that is of a personal nature or otherwise. The visiting of these sites and the collection and use of personal data on these sites are subject to the terms and conditions of use and personal data protection policies of these sites.
Changes to this information
CODEXIM reserves the right to change or, more generally, to update this information at any time and without notice.
Last update to these legal notices: 1 December 2018.
You are entitled to access and rectify any data concerning you by writing to CODEXIM.
Our files are not revealed to any third parties and are not processed.
To contact us
For any questions about personal data, the information on this page or to exercise your rights under the terms and conditions of the French Data Protection Act, write to our webmaster.
Site creation and hosting
The was created and is hosted by SARL TEXIER Bertrand, Les noues, 85140 LES ESSARTS – +33 (0)6 73 38 06 19.