The Codexim Concept
Logistics expertise
Quality assured
Products delivered in perfect condition, packaged on demand and rigorously selected to meet your needs.
Express distribution
An optimally designed organisational structure and numerous partnerships with various transport companies so you receive your orders within 24 to 48 hours.
Bespoke when needed
The sectors we work with
With a network of some 3000 clients, we've become the preferred electronic payment partner of stakeholders operating in numerous business sectors
Social responsibility
Our Commitments
- Only recycled paper is used • 2004
- Wastepaper is collected for recycling • 2004
- Locally-produced packaging materials made of expanded corn are used • 2004
- Paper towelling is made of recycled paper • 2005
- Packing boxes are made of recycled cardboard • 2005
- Polypropylene adhesive tape uses water-based glue • 2006
- Pens are refillable • 2007
- Workstations are completely turned off in evenings and over weekends • 2008
- Provider of 100% renewable electricity: Enercoop • 2009
- Used cardboard boxes are recycled • 2010
- An ethical, socially-responsible and solidarity-based bank is used: Crédit Coopératif • 2011
- Fully electric Smart vehicle acquired • 2012
- Office waste eliminated, signed up to the TerraCycle programme • 2013
- Printer cartridges and wastepaper are collected and recycled (Recy’go, in partnership with La Poste) • 2016
- Building is in compliance with the “RT 2012” thermal regulation • 2015
- Rechargeable hybrid propulsion vehicle acquired • 2018
From the beginnings to today
CODEXIM: COmponents EXport – IMport
Codexim founded, specialised in conducting research and in supplying electronic components
ISO 9002 quality certified
Codexim becomes a distributor of
spare parts for Ascom Monétel payment terminals
Codexim becomes a distributor and authorised stockist of spare parts for Ingenico payment terminals
Becomes a member of Concert, now the Association du Paiement (Payment Association)
Codexim becomes a distributor and authorised stockist of spare parts for Verifone payment terminals
Relocates from Massy to more functional and spacious premises in Villejust
Codexim and Ingenico launch their web store
Codexim becomes a distributor and authorised stockist of spare parts for PAX payment terminals and cash registers
The team
Our Premises
An open-plan office
designed based on our processing chain so that information can be exchanged as fluidly as possible
A 255 m2 bespoke stock area
adapted to our business as wholesalers
Classification by aisle and part type
for high-quality, accurate order-picking
Direct access to outdoors
for deliveries and pallet shipments
An informal area
decorated in Codexim's colours
A spacious meeting room
for working together as a group